Short-horned grasshopper, (family Acrididae), any of more than 10,000 species of insects (order Orthoptera) that are characterized by short, heavy antennae, a four-valved ovipositor for laying eggs, and three-segmented tarsi (distal segments of the leg). They are herbivorous and include some of the most destructive agricultural pests known. The plague, or migratory, species are called locusts. Short-horned grasshoppers’ range in size from 5 mm to 11 cm (0.2 to 4.3 inches) in length. The shape of the body may be long and slender or short and stout. Many species are green or straw-colored, which helps them blend into their surroundings. The hind legs are adapted for jumping, with greatly enlarged femurs. Some species have wings, whereas others are wingless. Among the winged species, the males can produce characteristic noises by rubbing the front wings together or by drawing the hind legs across the edge of the wings. Most species have a pair of tympanal (hearing) organs at the base of the abdomen. Acrida exaltata is a short-horned Grasshopper in the Acrida genus. The genus contains around 40 species, which are found in Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, Hawaii, and Australia. Insects of this genus are omnivorous, and are a well-known pest of many agricultural crops.
English name Short horned grasshopper
বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম Acrida exaltata
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Orthoptera
Suborder: Caelifera
Family: Acrididae
Genus: Acrida
Species: A. exaltata Binomial
Name: Acrida exaltata (Walker, 1859)
40 species in this genus, which are found in Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, Hawaii, and Australia.
পোষক পরিসীমা
Leafy plants and grasses. Typically, foliage of forbs, grasses. Some species take a variety of plants, while others are restricted to a few species of closely related plants. They often take dry plant matter from the ground as well, and most will scavenge weak or dead grasshoppers when plant food is scarce.
Short, heavy antennae. A four-valved ovipositor for laying eggs. Three-segmented tarsi (distal segments of the leg). Short-horned grasshoppers are abundant in meadows where they feed on plants. Some short-horned grasshoppers are specialists, eating only certain types of related plants. Others are generalists, eating all kinds of leafy plants and grasses. They sometimes scavenge from dead insects or eat decaying plant matter. Short-horned grasshoppers have ears in the sides of the abdomen. These ears are called tympanal organs, and they allow the grasshopper to hear the songs of its fellow grasshoppers.
ডিম: The eggs are laid in batches of 30-40, hatch only in June to July on receipt of the monsoon rains. Eggs are yellowish and covered with gummy substrate that hardens into a waterproof coating. A female short-horned grasshopper lays about 100 eggs in the soil.
নিম্ফঃ The eggs hatch after a rest period, and newly hatched nymphs, i.e., miniature replicas of the adults, pass through a series of molts before they become adults.
প্রাপ্তবয়স্কঃ Medium to large, diurnal, typically in open habitat. Some are quite colorful. Pronotum does not extend beyond the base of wings. Wings are usually well-developed, but short (brachypterous) or absent (apterous) in some species, and wing length may be variable within a single species. Antennae are short, typically about one-half body length, with less than 30 segments. Tympana (hearing organs), if present, are on the sides of the first abdominal segment. Hind femora is greatly enlarged (for jumping), typically about as long as hind wings. Ovipositor short and stout. Tarsal formula 3-3-3.
The family Acrididae is divided into three subfamilies. The spur-throated grasshoppers, subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae, include some of the most destructive species. In North America the eastern lubber grasshopper (Romalea microptera) is 5–7 cm long and has large red wings bordered in black. The western lubber grasshopper (Brachystola magna), also called the buffalo grasshopper because of its size, has much smaller, pinkish wings. The slender grasshopper (Leptysma marginicollis), found in the southern United States, has clear wings. Melanoplus, the largest short-horned grasshopper genus, contains many of the most common and destructive grasshoppers of North America. These include the Rocky Mountain grasshopper or locust (M. spretus), the migratory grasshopper (M. sanguinipes), the two-striped grasshopper (M. bivittatus), and the red-legged grasshopper (M. femurrubrum). The slant-faced grasshoppers, subfamily Acridinae, are characterized by a slanted face and clear hind wings. They are usually found around marshes and wet meadows in small numbers and do very little damage to vegetation. The band-winged grasshoppers, subfamily Oedipodinae, produce a crackling noise during flight. When they are not in flight, their conspicuous, brightly coloured hind wings are covered by their forewings, which blend into surrounding vegetation. The band-winged grasshoppers are the only type of short-horned grasshoppers that can produce sound during flight. One of the common species, the Carolina grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina), has black hind wings with a pale border. The clear-winged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida) is a major crop pest in North America.
Worldwide. Most species are in grasslands, but some in forests, tundra, and aquatic vegetation.
Some species have fairly elaborate courtship. Mating itself may take up to one hour, and male may ride on the back of females for a period of a day or more, a behavior known as “mate guarding”. Females oviposit in loose soil (typically), among plant roots, in rotting wood, or even in dung. Clutches consist of 10-60 eggs, and females may lay up to 25 clutches over several weeks. A female short-horned grasshopper lays about 100 eggs in the soil. Oviposition typically occurs in late summer, and the egg (as a developing embryo) overwinters. Eggs then hatch in spring. Life cycle is typically one year. A few species overwinter as juveniles (nymphs). Eggs hatch into Nymphs which are essentially miniature adults. After a series of consecutive molting the Nymphs turn into adults.
These herbivorous insects feed primarily on leaves, causing damage to the margins and cutting out large portions of the leaves. They can also attack grains, seed pods, and fruits, and when very hungry, they may even feed on stems and bark. Additionally, they nibble at the shoots, severing the reproductive parts of the plants. The damage caused by short-horned grasshoppers can lead to serious economic consequences for agricultural activities. The extent of the damage depends on various factors such as the type of crop, the growth stage of the crop, the population of grasshoppers, and the effectiveness of control measures. Crops such as cereal grains are particularly susceptible to damage, but other crops can also be seriously affected.
Irregular feeding on seedlings and leaf blade Large portions of leaf edges consumed. Cutting of stem at panicle stage. Completely defoliate the plants leaving only the mid ribs. Presence of nymphs and adults feeding on paddy foliage.
To manage the impact of short-horned grasshoppers on crops, various control measures can be implemented. These include promoting the presence of biological control agents such as wasps, parasitic flies, nematodes, and fungal pathogens. Additionally, the use of insecticidal sprays and poisonous bait traps can be effective in reducing grasshopper populations. An integrated approach that combines preventive measures with biological and chemical treatments is often recommended for effective control.
1. Flooding the stubbles, trimming the bunds, sweeping along the bunds and adult grasshoppers can be picked directly from the foliage at night because they are sluggish.
2. Expose the eggs to be picked up by birds after plowing and trim the bunds.
3. Allow ducks into the field.
1. Scelionid wasps parasitize the eggs of short-horned grasshoppers. A Platystomatid fly and mite prey on the eggs of oriental migratory locusts.
2. Different species of ants feed on the nymphs and adults.
3. They are also prey to birds, bats, field rats, mice, wild pigs, dogs, millipedes, fish, amphibia, reptiles and monkeys.
1. Dusting the crop with 5-10% methyl parathion 2% at 25-30 kg/ha.
2. Dusting malathion 5% at 20 kg/ha.
3. Foliar sprays of insecticides can also control grasshoppers.
তথ্য পাওয়া যায়নি।
তথ্য পাওয়া যায়নি।
Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West Grasshoppers of Texhoma-Goodwell, Oklahoma