
Green leaf grasshopper


Nephotettix cincticeps, the rice green leafhopper, is a species of true bug in the family Cicadellidae. It is a pest of barnyard millet [1]. It is a key insect vector transmitting rice dwarf virus (RDV) that causes rice dwarf disease [1].


English name        Green leaf grasshopper

Bangla name         [NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE]

বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম     Nephotettix cincticeps

Domain:               Eukaryota
Kingdom:              Animalia
Phylum:                 Arthropoda
Class:                    Insecta
Order:                    Hemiptera
Suborder:              Auchenorrhyncha
Family:                  Cicadellidae
Genus:                   Nephotettix
Species:                 N. cincticeps
Binomial Name:    Nephotettix cincticeps (Uhler, 1896)



পোষক পরিসীমা




Rice dwarf virus (RDV) and Rice gall dwarf virus (RGDV) are transmitted by N. cincticeps in a persistent manner (Sasaya et al., 2014). N. cincticeps is regarded as a major pest of rice in Japan, particularly in the south of the country where Rice dwarf virus disease is present (Kiritani, 1980). Direct feeding damage to the rice plant may occur as the insertion of the insect’s stylets disrupts the translocation of water and photosynthetic products to the panicles (Naba, 1988). Potential yield loss is greater in early-maturing varieties, but field populations of N. cincticeps are rarely high enough to cause serious damage.

Few data are available for economic losses caused by Rice dwarf virus disease. Kiritani (1983) argued that changes in cultivation practices, such as the winter and spring ploughing of fallow rice fields, has contributed to a decline in the duration and frequency of Rice dwarf virus disease.

Both nymphs and adults of N. cincticeps suck sap primarily from leaves and leaf sheaths of rice plants. Populations are rarely high enough to cause direct feeding damage. N. cincticeps is the vector of rice dwarf disease, rice yellow dwarf disease and transitory yellowing (Ou, 1985).

Plants/Leaves/honeydew or sooty mould
Plants/Leaves/yellowed or dead
Plants/Stems/honeydew or sooty mould


In Japan, the cultivation of early-planted rice crops contributed to an increase in the importance of Rice dwarf virus disease (Kiritani, 1983). Ploughing fallow rice fields in the winter is recommended with the objective of reducing numbers of overwintering adults and nymphs of N. cincticeps and thus reducing the incidence of Rice dwarf virus disease (Nakasuji and Kiritani, 1977). Widiarta et al. (1992) showed that ploughing during the peak oviposition period of N. cincticeps females was the most effective strategy to reduce the density of leafhoppers invading rice crops. In Korea, lower population densities of N. cincticeps were recorded in direct-seeded rice fields than in fields where machine transplanting was practised (Lee and Ma, 1997). Population development of rice leafhoppers and planthoppers is enhanced by the application of high levels of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer (Cook and Denno, 1994). Researchers in Japan reported that the density of N. cincticeps in an organically-farmed rice field was lower than that in a field where chemical inputs were used (Kajimura et al., 1993). Based on this and related studies it was suggested that fertilizer practices could be modified to manage populations of both leafhoppers and planthoppers in Japan (Kajimura et al., 1995).

The major focus of biological control strategies for N. cincticeps has been to enhance the regulation of leafhopper populations through the conservation of natural enemies, particularly spiders (Kiritani et al., 1970). Spiders, including Pardosa pseudoannulata, Pirata subpiraticus and Ummeliata insecticeps, are important predators of N. cincticeps in rice fields (Li and Zhao, 2002; Ishijima et al., 2006; Lou et al., 2013). Field studies in Japan showed that populations of predatory wolf spiders (P. pseudoannulata and P. subpiraticus) were higher in paddy fields with no tillage than in conventionally tilled paddy fields (Ishijima et al., 2004).
The hydrometrid Hydrometra procera has also shown potential as a biological control agent of N. cincticeps in paddy fields in Japan (Murata, 2009). The mirid Cyrtorrhinus livdipennis is a predator of eggs of N. cincticeps, and the veliid Microvelia horvathi and the staphylinid Paederus fuscipes are predators of adults and nymphs of N. cincticeps on rice in China (Lou et al., 2013). A comprehensive list of the parasitoids of hemipteran pests of rice in Asia, including N. cincticeps, is provided in Gurr et al. (2011), and the prospects for enhancing the biological control of rice planthoppers by ecological engineering is discussed. Nitta and Grey (1996) reported that good control of N. cincticeps in the field was achieved with Beauveria bassiana (strain TB.274) when applied as a conidial dust to first-generation adults. The application of B. bassiana gave effective control of the overwintering generation (77-81%) and second generation (73-83%) of N. cincticeps in rice fields in Hunan province, China (Bao and Gu, 1998, in Lou et al., 2013).


In laboratory feeding studies, Kawabe (1985) found that N. cincticeps fed for a much longer time from the xylem in resistant than in susceptible rice varieties. Similarly, very low levels of amino acids and sugar were recorded in adults fed on a new resistant variety, Norin-PL6, suggesting that feeding from the phloem was severely restricted (Jung et al., 1995). Sato and Sogawa (1981) showed that there were variations among populations of N. cincticeps in their ability to survive and reproduce on resistant varieties.
There are few sources of resistance to N. cincticeps in the japonica germplasm but resistant donors from indica varieties are also utilized in breeding programmes (see e.g. Wang et al., 2003, 2004). An African rice cultivar, Oryza glaberrima (IRGC104038), has been shown to be highly resistant to N. cincticeps at the booting stage and the genetic basis for this resistance was investigated (Fujita et al., 2010). A simple and rapid method has been developed for evaluating resistance in rice to N. cincticeps based on nymphal growth (Hirae, 2011). Genetic studies are concentrating on molecular mapping of host plant resistant gene(s) to N. cincticeps in order to facilitate marker-assisted selection of resistance in rice breeding programmes (Yasui, 2007; Jena and Mackill, 2008; Fujita et al., 2010; Park et al., 2013).


Field and laboratory studies are being carried out to assess the effects of transgenic rice expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins against other insect pests on N. cincticeps as a non-target organism. One study showed that female longevity, oviposition duration and fecundity of N. cincticeps were higher/longer on two Bt rice lines than on a wild type cultivar (Zhou et al., 2005), while other studies have shown no adverse effects of tested Bt rice lines on the population density of N. cincticeps and/or on the population dynamics of their spider predators (e.g. Liu et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2006; Lu et al., 2014).


Certain components within the saliva of pests are believed to interact with plant cellular constituents and play important roles in overcoming host plant defense responses. Based on a study, the NcSP75 protein of N. cincticeps can be considered as a key effector for establishing compatible interaction with rice plants and could be a potential target for controlling this species [3].

Due to the variable regulations around (de-)registration of pesticides, we are for the moment not including any specific chemical control recommendations. For further information, we recommend you visit the following resources:

EU pesticides database (http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/pesticides/eu-pesticides-database/)
PAN pesticide database (www.pesticideinfo.org)
Your national pesticide guide


It was found in a study that Nephotettix cincticeps, collected from 10 locations throughout Taiwan, was highly resistant to malathion, methyl parathion, and carbaryl. However, it remained susceptible to both permethrin and fenvalerate, which indicated that no cross resistance existed between organophosphorus or carbamate and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides [4].


The results from an experiment clearly indicated that the tested oils obtained by ethanol extraction, i.e., Piper nigrum, Litsea cubeba, Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Curcuma longa, and chemical compounds, i.e., linalool and piperine, are promising agents for developing plant-based pesticides to control N. cincticeps [5].

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